Neurosis traces back to
Earliest bendings and twistings
Of the spirit along a path
Not meant for
Planned happenstance
Takes the innocent life
And dents it a bit
Bends it out of shape
Flattens the curve
Curves the straight line
Twists to new shapes
That were never meant to be
It doesn't come from nowhere
But definitely from
An exact starting place
Words and actions that made
The road turn
And made the innocent one
Lose track of
The truth
Earliest bendings and twistings
Of the spirit along a path
Not meant for
Planned happenstance
Takes the innocent life
And dents it a bit
Bends it out of shape
Flattens the curve
Curves the straight line
Twists to new shapes
That were never meant to be
It doesn't come from nowhere
But definitely from
An exact starting place
Words and actions that made
The road turn
And made the innocent one
Lose track of
The truth
Header art by T. Guzzio. Original photo via Historia Antiques.
Dr. Suzanne Boucher is a licensed Mental Health Counselor and a recent Doctoral graduate in Counseling Supervision. She is an Adjunct Professor at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA, where she teaches Masters level Counseling Practice and Supervision. But Suzanne also writes poetry every day. Her work focuses on mindfulness and trauma with occasional forays into lighter themes and songwriting. She has been writing poetry since she was nine years old and has no intention of stopping. Suzanne is a dedicated daily yoga practitioner with the goal of standing on her head every day at 85. She blogs at [email protected] (where "Loosen" first appeared), and you can also find her online at
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